The Backup-Sandiplex (advanced)

We brought the Sandiplex to a convention,where Oskar picked it up, and took it to the next level.He came up with some advanced variations of the seven ball / two juggler version. I’d say the Backup-Sandiplex-9 is the most challenging one. Each juggler cycles through the sequence:Self / Split / Back up / Zip / … Weiterlesen

The Sandiplex-Seven

The Sandiplex-7

Compared to the 5-ball version, this takes the notch one up (or two if you will) – it is not as advanced as “The Loom Run” or “The Double-W“, though. Please note how both jugglers loop through the same “Self – Split – Self – Catch” cycle. (Pink is two beats ahead, yup.) “Aren’t there … Weiterlesen

The Sandiplex-Five

The Sandiplex-5 is a five ball routine for two jugglers. This one is a little (but not much) more difficult than the “Knot Thing”. Even if you are a beginner, have a try at it! I came up with the name because of its multiplex throw feature . Check out some more advanced stuff right … Weiterlesen

The Knot Thing

The Knot thing is a two person juggling routine that even beginners can master during their first lesson. It is simple, start-/stoppable at any point etc. You could think it’s almost nothing, but it is the Knot Thing! One “difficulty” might be making it look good, by keeping a steady rhythm and using a grand … Weiterlesen

The Loom Run

image (Loom Run)

The „Loom Run“ is a three person juggling routine I invented in 2017. Euphorized by the (humble) success of sorting out the Double-W, I got creative again…The Loom Run actually further develops my „shifting columns“ idea. It consists of nothing but column shifting throws, really.According to some reports, it’s „quite a unique feeling“ how the … Weiterlesen

The Double-W

The Double-W is a two person juggling routine I invented back in ca. 2008 when Wilma (neat – two Ws literally juggling W shapes) was still in town. I’m sure she kept my sketch/letter just in case I needed written proof. Anyway, the first successful performance of the Double-W saw the light in – 2016. … Weiterlesen